What is Blood?

What is Blood?

Blood is a life liquid which transports our bodies’ neccessities and responsible for nutrion of tissue. In normal circumstances, a human about 70 kg contains 6.250 ml blood in his/her body. Humanbeings have blood approximately 8 percent of their weight. And blood is also vital for throwing toxic elements by carrying them to the kidney, taking hormones to their activity places and for carrying vital substances like vitamin, protein, mineral and oxygen. And blood is like a safety belt of our body because it prevents our losing more blood by clotting in bleeding and laceration.

What are the elements in our blood?

Some of them are:

1) Vitamins
2) Minerals and water
3) Proteins
4) Fats
5) Carbohydrates
6) Some Enzymes and Factors

In general blood has those elements in it but even those topics have more sub-topics. For example blood divides into two things like plasm and shaped elements.

Plasm: It is a liquid whick makes blood fluid. It’s 50 or 60 % of our total blood. Ingredients are glucose, pyruvic acid, lactic acide, urea, uric acide, creatinine, amino acide, amoniak composites, enzymes, pigmentos, hormones, neutral fats, cholesterol and albumin. One of the most importants of those is albumin. Albumin is an element that carries toxic things from our bodies, provides ostomic pressure and transportation of globulins. Another important factor is clotting of the blood. If those factors are not enough, high levels of bleeding appears and it’s dangerous for life. Those elements for clotting are given to the patients who have high levels of bleeding with special methods. In this process, clotting factors of the blood are taken from the blood with special methods. The colour of the blood serum is yellow. It’s yellow because of the bilirubin element in it.

Albumin: It’s the transportation unit of the blood. Normal bordes of albumin are: 3.5-5.0 g/dl

Fibrinogen: It’s one of the most important factors of clotting.

Shaped elements of the blood:

Hemoglobin: It carries oxygen in blood and made up by protein and iron. Hemoglabin levels are 12-16 gr/dl for women and 14-18 gr/dl for men. The low and high level of hemoglabin can be the sign of illnesses.

Blood Platelet: They are the responsible cells in clotting of the blood. The platelet levels for a normal person are between 150000 and 400000. The low level of trombosit may cause bleeding, the high level of trombosit may cause embolics.

Lenfosydes: They are the group of the defence cells of the blood. A normal person has lenfosydes between 4000 and 10000 in his/her body. The high level of lenfosydes may cause some important illnesses such as infection, leucemia, the low level of it may cause lack of immune.

İnt. Doctor Ahmet Bahadır UÇAR




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